Monday, April 22, 2019

Whether Peer to peer lending safe in India?

An individual or business who is looking for a loan goes to a online lending platforms like LenDenClub to borrow  money website. Once the borrower is approved and listed, individual and institutional lenders can lend money to that borrower.
Once the borrower gets funded, he/she starts to make repayments every month. These repayments cover principal and interest which the lenders receive.

Similar to other investment asset classes, p2p lending platforms also involves risk. The risk is highly dependent on the P2P lending platform and their credit policies which determine the quality of the borrowers. However, the risk can be minimised by following guidelines suggested for regular lenders.

How to reduce risk in peer to peer lending companies?

Here are the most effective methods to reduce risk in peer to peer lending:
  1. Check for credit verification process
  2. Diversify your funds into many borrowers
  3. Do your own due-diligence
  4. Invest peer 2 peer investment through platforms which assists in loan recovery

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